Arts & Culture
Soak up the energy of Port Albert by wandering through its quaint galleries and museums, or nurture your creative heart with an art class or studio visit.

Maritime Museum
Significant items dealing with Gippsland’s maritime history are housed in the 1861 Bank of Victoria building and in the John Irving Archives in the adjacent former CBC bank office.
Port Albert was the original Port of Entry for the Gippsland Gold Fields and the old bank vault houses a display on Gippsland Gold Discovery.
In the entrance room is the 400kg, 1.3m high drum lens from the Cape Liptrap lighthouse, the Cliffy Island cannon; and the story of the Bass Strait lighthouses is told in the display on “The Mailmen of Bass Strait”.
The growth and decline of Port Albert’s fishing fleet is outlined in the fishing room display on “The Sharkers of Port Albert”.
There is also a comprehensive shell collection and the Chinaman’s Point diorama and information boards have the findings of a recent archaeological dig at the site of the 19th century Chinese fish curing industry at Port Albert.
Open Thursday to Monday 10am – 4pm.
Other times by appointments or group bookings.

Port Albert Gallery
Warren Curry’s gallery is as always a major draw card for Port Albert, holding a fascinating combination of traditional oil paintings with local subjects against dramatic, alluring depictions of Corfu.
As a contrast Warren’s figurative works capture an insight into Corfiot life with a twist.
Waren's representations of Greek mythology have a sincerity with daring artistic licence, producing dramatic and candid depictions which are both stylish and riveting.

St John's Anglican Church
In June 1856, Rev Willougby Bean held the first Anglican service in Port Albert’s Customs House.
The site for the church was gifted by Robert Turnbull in 1862 with William Redmond Belcher, Thomas Burrows, Richard Kelly, and Jacob Ferris the appointed trustees.
The plans for the church were prepared by Richard Kelly the Government Surveyor.
The first St John’s Church was opened with a service on the 8th of March 1863.
On the 14th of January 1884 a bushfire impacted the town destroying the church. Due to the effort of residents the furnishings and the historic P.S Clonmel relics were saved.
Fundraising for the church replacement commenced with the leadership of Rev H.A Betts.
Architect Mr George Hastings designed the new church, the builder was Mr John Avery Jnr, and the brick foundations were completed by Mr John Casbolt.
On Sunday the 26th of July 1885 a special service was held to celebrate the opening of the new church.

Rocket Shed Photo Display
The Rocket Shed at the top of on Port Albert's Wharf offers a display about the areas bird and sea life and nearby marine park.
The building was the orginal rocket and mortar store and was completed in 1878 to house the Breeches Buoys lifesaving equipment issued to major victorian ports in 1876.