New Year's Eve Fireworks Photos
Port Albert's New Year's Eve Fireworks is a signature event for region which is co-ordinated by the Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA).
This annual event attracts thousands of people to the town with a fun-filled event schedule that combines markets, food trucks, music, free kids activities and the finale of the free fireworks display.
View the Fireworks photo submissions from Port Albert residents and visitors to the area.
Click the image to open and view the name of the person who submitted.

Thanks from PAPA
After 6 years we finally nailed the perfect weather for the NYE Fireworks in Port Albert last night. A huge crowd (4000+ people) well behaved crowd which helps us to keep going and start planning for 2025.
A massive thankyou to the Port Albert Progress Association crew for their huge effort last night. Record crowd and record effort too.
To those who donated gold coins etc last night - thankyou. We understand times are hard but really appreciate the effort people made to actually find us and put money in our tins.
The list is long for people who help us put this event on year after year.
Our major sponsors/fundraising partners this year were Victoria Hotel (Albo), Wellington Shire Council, Connect Well East Gippsland, Yarram Country Club, Yarram Bakery, Southerly Ten.
Much of our funding is raised by raffles on the first Friday of each month at The Albo. A huge shout out to Michelle and Brendan for their continued support.
In that same space a massive thankyou to Col who continues to help with the fund raising efforts at the Albo, even when I am away. If you are not doing anything this Friday our fundraising starts again for the 2025 event.
Last but certainly not least - thankyou to everyone who turned out and supported our event. It is such a relief when it finally happens but it really makes me smile seeing so many families out enjoying themselves.
I encourage you to take advantage of the 2025 NYE Event Patron option as a way to help fund this community event.
Jenny (PAPA President)