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Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA) has been representing the community since 1880. Run by a volunteer committee, they are supported by members consisting of residents, local businesses, and service organisations.

Become a member today!

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PAPA Committee 2023

Port Albert Progress Assocation

Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA) has been representing our community since 1880.


Run by volunteer committee, we are supported by a membership consisting of residents, local businesses, and service organisations.


PAPA arranges community events, fundraises for improved facilities, and works with local/state government and various advocacy groups on development and community planning opportunities. 


Our primary goals are.


  • To ensure that residential and business interests are represented.

  • To promote the region as tourist destination.

  • To make Port Albert, Alberton, Langsborough a liveable area through residential growth opportunities, business investment and increased community infrastructure.



Port Albert Progress Association Logo

Port Albert Progress Association facilitates a number of local community initiatives such as...


  • Local Raffles & Competitions.

  • Community infrastructure.

  • Conduit between local council and community.

  • Easter Family Fun Day (part of the Tarra Festival)

  • ANZAC Day.

  • Christmas Lights Competition.

  • New Years Eve Fireworks.


PAPA achieve these tasks by our close working relationship with peak bodies like the Wellington Shire Council and acting as a conduit for collaboration of relevant information.​


Get Involved - PAPA is a fantastic way to engage with your local community, have fun, and meet wonderful residents.


PAPA relies on membership fees and fundraising to fund these local events so please consider becoming a member.

PAPA Membership Types

We have a variety of affordable memberships to suit your needs.

PAPA Single Membership

Individual Membership

Become a vital part of the Port Albert community with a social membership to the Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA).  Enjoy meet-up opportunities, community events, member news updates, voting rights, and the satisfaction of contributing to local development and progress.


PAPA Family Membership

Family Membership

Enhance your family's connection to the Port Albert community with a Family Membership to the Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA). Enjoy exclusive access to community events, meet-ups, member updates, voting rights, and contribute to local development and progress together.  Best suited to 2 x Adults and 2 x Children in the same household.


PAPA Community Membership

Community Group Membership

Join forces with the Port Albert community by becoming a Community Group Member of the Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA). Gain access to meet-up opportunities, community events, member news updates, voting rights, and contribute to local development and progress. Suits 5 commitee members within your community group / association.


Deb Eldridge - Port Albert New Years Eve Fireworks

NYE Event Patron

Continue the tradition of the Port Albert New Year’s Eve Fireworks Event, facilitated by the Port Albert Progress Association by becoming a "2025 NYE Event Patron". You not only help fund this iconic community event, but also show support as a 2025 PAPA member.  For just a one-time $15 pledge: $10 goes to funding the NYE event, and $5 secures your Individual Membership to PAPA for 2025.


PAPA Business Membership

Business Membership

Position your business at the heart of the Port Albert community with a Business Membership to the Port Albert Progress Association (PAPA). Benefit from networking opportunities, community events, promotional support, voting rights, and contribute to local development and progress.


Membership Application

Please complete the form. 




Direct Transfer: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633 000 Account: 162 752 075

Please provide member names.

Cheque: Payable to Port Albert Progress Association
PO Box 7, Port Albert, 3971

Thanks for submitting!

Port Albert Merchandise for Sale_edited.jpg

PAPA Merchandise

Port Albert Merchandise

Check out the range of Port Albert Branded Merchandise.

Visit the Beautifull Port Albert Wharf_Gippsland Victoria

Port Albert News

Register to recieve by email the latest news, promotions and events from in and around Port Albert

Whats Happening at Port Albert?

Check out what events or fishing competitions are being held in the area.

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